Samantha Mohr measurements, bio, height, weight, shoe and bra size
Samantha Mohr's birthday is the 13th of September in 1961. She was born in Columbus Georgia. Virgo is her Zodiac Sign. Mohr is a citizen of the United States. American citizenship and is of white heritage. Her childhood, her parents and siblings are not publically known. Mohr completed her studies with a Bachelor of Science in Speech Pathology. She also has an audiology minor. Mohr was also accepted into the University of St. Thomas that is situated in Houston, Texas. She received a bachelor of Arts degree in meteorology broadcasting in 1989.Mohr entered the glamour world at the age of 24, on the advice of a fellow UGA student. She took part in Miss Columbus, 1985. She won it by kissing and defeating all competitors. In the wake of her win she was eligible to take part for the Miss Georgia pageant in June 1985. The tournament was also hers on the 22nd of June 1985. In September of 1985 Mohr took part as Georgia at Georgia's participation in Miss America 1986 Pageant held in Atlantic City (New Jersey) in the wake of her win. Despite her victory however, she was not within the Top 10 for the title of Miss America national.
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